In the face of increasing environmental concerns, taking proactive steps is not just about future-proofing—it's about making a tangible difference today. At GF-Impact, we understand the importance of taking action now. We help your environmental conversion by:
By a digital assessment of the environmental impact of your products, your organization or the entire value chain
impacting factors
By analyzing and reporting which are the most impacting factors
R&D process
By facilitating the integration of the Ecodesign in your R&D process
Thanks to a unique platform allowing to calculate Life cycle Assessment (LCA) based on the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) methodology
We offer several levels of services to suit best your needs

GF-Impact Self service
You have access to all parts of the online applications of GF-Impact technology, including the access of the database modeling raw materials and industrial processes. You are autonomous in the evaluation and analysis of the environmental impact of your products.
CGF-Impact Consulting
GF-Impact conducts the assessment of the environmental impact of your products, analyses the explanatory factors and identifies the right level of action. To go further, GF-Impact supports you in drawing an impact reduction plan including realistic quantified objectives to achieve as well as a mechanism to monitor their progress and achievement.

GF-Impact Eco-design
In compliance with your industrial constraints and specifications, we set up together an internal eco-design approach. We helps you to choose the right raw materials and production process as of the first stages of your new developments.
CGF-Impact OEF and Scope 3 emissions
GF-Impact analyze your Organization Environmental Footprint and helps to measure your Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.